Staff apps (Voxel)


Co-Owner - Dev
Staff member
Hello i've made this thread so you know what the chances are of you getting my vote at this time, as you may know, i''ve been somewhat acceptive of new staff members thus far, unfortunately unless you've already applied, the chances are ill be downvoteing them, the reason for this is simply put, i want more members, then staff, that being said, it all depends how much of a good staff member i could see you being, if i think you would be an above excellent candidate, ill likely upvote you're app.. until i see a ratio of 10% staff to 90% members i won't be up-voteing anymore apps, and that number all depends on how much a of a good job our existing ones do. (sorry)


Staff member
Make this happen because I agree we need more members and less staff and Voxel is one of our more professional staff to