Your IGN: SirQuackin
Server for the suggestion: All Servers Except For Hub
Suggestion: Enderchests
Reason why it should be added: In The Near Future, Players Would Want To Store Precious Items Somewhere Safe. I Think This Plugin (LINK BELOW) Would Be Useful To Other Players Who Need To Store Stuff. If Not, Some Enderchests Could Be Placed Near The Spawn. I Hope You Would Consider My Suggestion.
Server for the suggestion: All Servers Except For Hub
Suggestion: Enderchests
Reason why it should be added: In The Near Future, Players Would Want To Store Precious Items Somewhere Safe. I Think This Plugin (LINK BELOW) Would Be Useful To Other Players Who Need To Store Stuff. If Not, Some Enderchests Could Be Placed Near The Spawn. I Hope You Would Consider My Suggestion.